Business Systems Laboratory Via Circumvallazione, 77 - 83100 Avellino C.F. 92082020642


Dan Cristina Dabija

Dan-Cristian Dabija is a Full Professor at the Department of Marketing and PhD Supervisor in Marketing at the PhD School in Business and Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania.

Prof. Dabija has led research projects on sustainability and COVID-19 resilience in retail financed by the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation. He has published more than 100 papers and serves as an associate or guest editor for Amfiteatru Economic, Kybernetes, Journal of International Management, European Journal of International Management, Sustainability, Information, as well as for Romanian and European research projects His teaching disciplines are Retailing, International Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Sales Promotion and Strategic Marketing.

Prof. Dabija has conducted different trainings on project management, retailing, retail marketing, marketing, sales and promotions in summer schools, companies and human resources development courses. More recently Dr. Dabija coauthored in Romanian the book To conceive, to write and to publish a scientific article in business and economics, which was awarded in late 2017 the first book prize of the Romanian Association of Economic Faculties and in December 2019 the “Victor Slăvescu“ Prize of the Romanian Academy of Science. According to the 2023 update of the science-wide author database of standardized citation indicators, he is ranked among the top 2% highly cited researchers according to Elsevier and Stanford University International Ranking

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